Subarna Sivapalan, PhD is a senior academic and researcher at Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia. She is presently the Director of the Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning, and the Deputy Head of the Centre for Social Innovation, Institute for Self-Sustainable Building. A keen advocate of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Subarna’s research expertise and interests are in climate change education, community education for sustainability and partnerships for climate change adaptation and mitigation. Subarna is the recipient of WWF Malaysia’s Eco Champions National Eco-Lecturer Award for her efforts in advocating for greater awareness amongst youth to champion sustainable development. Subarna is the Deputy Chair of the National Education for Sustainable Development Work Group, and the Immediate Past Chair of the Foundation for Environment Education Eco Campus Programme National Committee.
Bandar Seri Iskandar, 霹靂州, 马来西亚