Dr. Mohammed Batwaih is a senior expert at the Arab Planning Institute in Kuwait (a regional development organisation). He obtained his PhD degree in Development Economics and his MSc degree in Industrial Planning. He has a large experience in economic consultancy and training in areas such as local development, knowledge economy, SMEs, economic integration, digital transformation and knowledge management, institutional excellence, creativity and innovation policies, entrepreneurship and small and medium enterprises, youth economic empowerment, education, local development economics and labour market policies. He has worked as an economic expert in several Arab countries and has published his research in international journals. He participated in preparing multiple consultancy studies in various fields of development, and economic feasibility studies for a number of development projects in Yemen, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. He has published many research papers in peer-reviewed scientific journals. He worked as an economist in the Kuwait Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and before that he worked as Vice Dean of the College of Administrative Sciences at the University of Hadramoutm, Yemen. In addition to Yemen, he taught Economics in several universities in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait.
Imam Sadiq Mosque, Sharq, Kuwait City 15, Kuwait