Dr. Rania Miniesy is an Associate Professor of Economics and the Acting Head of the Economics Department at the British University in Egypt (BUE). She is the cofounder of the Experimental and Behavioural Economics Laboratory (EBEL) at the BUE. Rania is the editor of an Emerald, Scopus indexed Journal, the Journal of Chinese Economic and Foreign Trade Studies. She received her BA and MA in Economics from the American University in Cairo (AUC) and was awarded her PhD in Political Economy and Public Policy from the University of Southern California (USC). Rania’s research interests are in the areas of growth and development, especially as related to MSMEs, gender, and behavioural issues.
Ph.D. Political Economy and Public Policy, specializing in the political economy of development, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA, Dec. 04
M.A. Economics, The American University in Cairo, Egypt, Feb. 97
B.A. Major: Economics, Minor: Bus. Admin., The American University in Cairo, Egypt, Feb. 94
British University In Egypt, Shorouk, Al Shorouk City, Cairo 11, Egypt